Everything runs on a process, and everything is controlled by principles or law. The law that governs good health forbids certain things, and it opposes certain acts.
As water quenches fire, so does the laws of anti-healthy living principle stop or slow down the functional foundation of kedi healthcare giving principles.
He that has ears; let him hear, nobody may tell you this, and you may never have read it anywhere. As powerful as a rocket missile is, there is also an anti-squad missile that can stop the rocket missiles from reaching their target. Here are some of the few things that can negatively impact your health regiments as you develop and maintain your health through the years.
1.ALCOHOL: Alcohol of any type is an anti-squad missile to kedi herbal medicines. Taking alcohol at the same time as kedi products nullifies the whole range of nutritional value and efficacy of the herbal regiments. They were prepared naturally without chemicals in them.
How does alcohol affect the efficacy of kedi Products: Taking alcohol increases toxicity in the body and neutralizes the potency of the herbs, as alcohol is not part of the master herbalist formulation (MHF). Alcohol will weaken and destroy your kidneys and this in turn affects the whole body’s well-bei.
2.SUGAR: Most people can’t do without sugar. Excess intake of sugar destroys the tissues of the body and can also neutralize the efficacy of kedi products and most herbal medicines. Sugar is a poison to the cell. The body produces glucose that is stored in the cells. When the excess sugar is ingested, it corrupts certain DNA and starts destroying the blood vessels, tissues, kidneys, heart, and finally the skin.
Every patient or user of kedi products gets more results if his/her sugar intake is within the normal range. Most people don’t know they are taking excess sugar cubes or dietary sugar from the carbohydrates they consume. How do you know? By conducting a fasting blood Sugar Test (FBS) in the laboratory. This test will reveal to you if you are having excess sugar or not.
Why do sugars destroy Kedi Products: It is because excess sugar is poison to the body. For example, any man having excess sugar will have erection dysfunction. When such people take Revive, they will tell you the product did not work. This is because of the excess sugar in the blood. Excess sugar also increases the stronghold of infection in the unitary tract and blood. When you are treating infection, the person’s consumption of sugar products or sugary products will make the infection increase thereby disannulling the effects of the kedi Reishi or Golden Hypha, etc.
3.CAFFEINE: Consumption of caffeine and caffeinated products will drastically reduce the efficacy of kedi products when being tailored towards a targeted ailment. You can find Caffeine in Nescafe, cola-nuts, Power Horse, and some energy drinks. The nervous system is of paramount importance when it comes to natural healing. The nervous system is controlled from the brain chamber to the vertebrae through the spinal cord.
Health messages are transmitted and coordinated via the nerves. Caffeine interferes with the nervous system so when you load yourself with caffeine, you are interrupting the pathway for healthy natural recovery. For effective treatment of hormonal imbalance, high blood pressure, prostate disorder, erectile dysfunction (ED), and general toxicity, you must flee from the danger of caffeine to the nervous system of the body. Kedi product like Golden Six, Re-vive, etc. targets certain visceral organs of the body. A heavily loaded caffeinated body resists the maximum result of kedi herbal products or supplements.
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