7 Unique Ways of Achieving Good Health By What You Eat

The unique way of achieving good health through what you eat is basically, knowing what to eat; when to eat, how to combine your food nutrients, and adhering strictly to it. Eating a healthy, balanced diet is an important part of maintaining good health, and can help you feel and function at your optimum best.

What Do You Mean By A Balanced Diet?

Eating well is eating a balanced diet at the right time. A balanced diet gives your body system the nutrients it needs to function properly. And since the body needs a specific amount of nutrients and calories to stay active and healthy per day, a well-balanced diet enables you to achieve these.

When you create an affinity for eating well, you’ll be far from consuming junk food as well as foods with low nutritional value. A diet that does not include the right proportions of minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and water intake can’t be considered balanced. And that means you’re not eating well, because the food is not balanced. In case you need help regarding how to combine your food nutrients to achieve a balanced diet, your nutritionist can be of help.

Here Are 7 Ways of Achieving Good Health By What You Eat:-

  1. Try to eat a variety of quality natural foods 

To achieve good health, the body needs more than 40 different types of nutrients, and there is no way a single food can provide all of these. Achieving good health is more of consuming balanced food over time rather than just a single meal.

  1. Try and base your diet on foods rich in carbohydrates:

Although other nutrients are essential for a balanced diet, it is best to base half the calories in your diet on foods rich in carbohydrates, like cereals, rice, pasta, potatoes, and bread. Depending on what you do for a living, the right proportions of the other nutrients are vital. Visit your nutritionist for the best combination that suits your lifestyle.

  1. Try to replace saturated with unsaturated fat:

Adequate intakes of fats are indisputably important for good health and proper functioning of the body, but excess of its consumption can negatively affect your weight and cardiovascular system. There are different categories of fats with different effects on the body depending on the level, whether it is normal, high, or low.

These few tips could help keep the balance in the normal range if adhered to:

  • Your consumption of total and saturated fats which most times come from foods of animal origin should be minimized as far as possible.
  • Eating fish that contains omega-3 oil is recommended at least 2-3 times every week. This increases the level of your unsaturated fats.
  • Try to avoid frying as much as possible while cooking. It is advisable to either boil, steam, or bake instead of frying, as this removes the fatty part of what you’re cooking, but frying does not.
  1. Fruits and Vegetables:

Our sources of vitamins, minerals, and fiber are derived mainly from fruits and vegetables. And these are very important for our body to function normally. It will be good practice if you can take at least 5 servings a day. Depending on your choice, you can take, for example, a glass of fresh fruit juice at breakfast, coupled with an apple and a piece of watermelon as snacks. You can later have different types of vegetables in cooperated into your meal as you eat. These actions will go a long way in achieving good health.

Foods With Different Nutients

  1. Try to reduce salt and sugar intake:

Salt and sugar consumption has to be moderate depending on the individual. It is a well-known fact that high consumption of salt activates the heart to over-function which can lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular challenges and high blood pressure. While food rich in carbohydrates (i.e. Polysaccharides) will eventually break down to sugar (i.e. monosaccharides) and this provides both energies to the body, and also sweetness and an attractive taste are meant to be best enjoyed in moderation, otherwise it can lead to a disease known as diabetes.

  1. Try to eat regularly:

The best formula for achieving good health through what you eat is by eating a variety of quality foods, regularly, and within the right amounts. Skipping meals or eating irregularly because of some reason, especially breakfast, can lead to uncontrollable hunger much later thus resulting in helpless overeating. Snacking in-between meals is good to control hunger, but this should not replace proper meals.

The quantity of food we consume at every meal will help us to control our calorie intake, reduce overweight, and ensure good healthy living.

  1. Try to drink plenty of fluids:

The major electrolytes of the body are Potassium, Sodium, Bicarbonate, and chloride. Our fluid intake helps maintain this electrolyte balance and put them in the right proportion. Depending on whether the weather is hot or cold, average adults need to drink at least 1.5 litres of fluid a day.  Fluid intake also depends on the activity of the person involved.  Your digestive system functions better in the presence of adequate fluids. Though fluids like fruit juices, tea, soft drinks, milk, etc. are also good for the body, the best choice of fluid is water.

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