Do You Know The Ideal Nutrients Needed During Pregnancy?

The ideal nutrients needed during pregnancy are protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy types of fat like omega-3s, and vitamins and minerals.

The term "pregnancy" is used to describe the time when a fetus develops inside a woman's uterus or womb. The average pregnancy lasts roughly 40 weeks or just over 9 months from the last menstrual cycle to delivery. Trimesters are the names given to the three phases of pregnancy by healthcare professionals.

Naturally, the body of a woman goes through lots of physical and hormonal changes during pregnancy. You'll need to choose healthy foods from a range of sources to sustain both you and your developing baby. Eating a nutritious, balanced diet can make you feel better and provide you and your baby with what you need.

You must consume all the nutrients you require because food is your baby's primary source of nutrition. During pregnancy, your body needs extra vitamins and macronutrients to support both you and your developing baby. While macronutrients are nutrients that provide calories, or energy, micronutrients are dietary components like vitamins and minerals that are only needed in relatively small amounts.

Pregnant Woman

The basic foods are fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. During pregnancy, you'll need to consume more of each of these nutritional types in appropriate proportions. Following are some broad recommendations on a few significant nutrients that should be modified according to your needs:

Nutrients Daily Requirements for Pregnant Women

  • Calcium…………………………………….1200 milligrams(mg)
  • Folate……………………………………….600 – 800 micrograms (mcg)
  • Iron…………………………………………27 milligrams (mg)

Most pregnant women can meet these higher-than-average nutritional requirements by choosing a diet rich in a variety of nutritious foods, including:

  • vitamins and minerals
  • healthy types of fat like omega-3s
  • protein
  • complex carbohydrates

How To Achieve This Daily Nutritious Requirements:

To meet the nutritional needs of both you and your infant, eat a range of foods. It's only slightly more extreme than a typical healthy eating schedule. According to current advice, you should continue eating regularly during the first semester, and then increase your daily calorie intake by 350 during the second trimester and 450 during the third, as your baby grows.

As much as possible, stay away from processed junk foods. For instance, soda and chips have no nutritional benefits. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean meats like chicken, fish, beans, or lentils will be better for you and your child. This does not imply that you must abstain from all of your favorite foods when you are pregnant. Just make sure to balance them out with healthy foods to ensure you get all the vitamins and minerals you need.

Protein: For a baby's tissues and organs, including the brain, to develop properly, protein is essential. Additionally, during pregnancy, it encourages the formation of uterine and breast tissue. It even contributes to your rising blood supply, which enables your baby to receive more blood.

Your need for protein will rise throughout pregnancy with each trimester. According to research, pregnant women's protein intake should be much higher than the current recommendations. Depending on your weight and the trimester you're in, you'll need to consume between 70 and 100 g of protein every day. To determine how much you require specifically, consult your doctor. Protein-rich foods include:

  • beans
  • nuts
  • chicken
  • lean beef and pork
  • salmon
  • peanut butter
  • cottage cheese

Calcium: Calcium supports the development of your baby's bones and controls how much fluid your body uses. Women who are pregnant need 1,000 mg of calcium every day, ideally in two doses of 500 mg. To augment conventional prenatal vitamins, you'll probably need more calcium. Calcium-rich foods include:

  • cheese
  • yogurt
  • milk
  • low-mercury fish and seafood
  • dark green, leafy vegetables

Folate: A crucial role in lowering the incidence of neural tube abnormalities is played by folic acid, commonly known as folate. Spina bifida and anencephaly are examples of severe birth abnormalities that impair the baby's brain and spinal cord. Daily folate requirements for pregnant women are 600 to 800 mcg. Foods that contain folate include:

  • eggs
  • nuts
  • dried beans and lentils
  • liver
  • nuts and peanut butter
  • dark green, leafy vegetables

Iron: Blood flow is boosted by iron when combined with sodium, potassium, and water. This makes sure that both you and your baby are getting enough oxygen. You should consume 27 mg of iron daily, ideally with some vitamin C to boost absorption. Dark green, leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, fortified loaves of bread or cereals, lean beef, and chicken eggs are all excellent providers of this nutrient.

Other considerations: Choline, sodium, and B vitamins are among the additional nutrients you'll need to stay healthy and strong during your pregnancy. Along with a healthy diet, it's crucial to get your eight glasses of water a day minimum and take prenatal vitamins. Certain nutrients, such as folate, iron, and choline, are difficult to get in sufficient levels through food alone. Be sure to discuss which prenatal vitamins you should take with your doctor.

Kedi healthcare has a product named VITAPREGO. This product provides the essential nutritional benefits needed before, during, and after pregnancy.


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