Pregnancy: Do You Really Need It? This Will Help You Decide!

Pregnancy results as a result of sexual intercourse between a man and a woman. To some, it is a thing of joy while for some it is not. Some women want to be pregnant and they look for it seriously while to some it comes easily. The question now is, are you prepared for it? Do you need to get pregnant? Do you know the consequences that come with being pregnant? Are you prepared to be a mother? The decision is yours to take but here are common things that come along with pregnancies if your answer is yes.

1.  You Can’t Avoid The Nesting Instinct Stage:

This is the time most women naturally feel a powerful urge and motivation to prepare their home for the baby by cleaning and decorating the surroundings. Most time it happens as the due date gets closer, but women are advised not to overdo it, so as not to lead to health complications.

2.  Pregnancy Comes With Problems Of Concentration: This happens more in the first trimester when tiredness and morning sickness comes on often and many women feel worn out and mentally fuzzy which affects their ability to concentrate. Concentrating ability and periods of forgetfulness also happen to even well-rested pregnant women.

3.  Pregnancy Comes With Mood Swings:

Changes in the mood of pregnant women are common more during the first trimester and toward the end of the third trimester. And most women have depression during pregnancy which can be caused by pregnancy hormones that go up and down and make them feel moody. Women who experience post-menstrual syndrome are more likely to have more severe mood swings during their pregnancy.

Pregnant woman shopping for cabbage in grocery store

4.  Pregnancy Comes With An Increase In Bra Size:

The first sign of pregnancy apart from morning sickness and feeling tired is an increase in breast size. The increase in the size of the breast is due to higher levels of hormones called estrogen and progesterone. To some women, this increase in breast size might continue to grow throughout their pregnancy, and this might involve the need to change their bra several times during pregnancy.

5.  Pregnancy Comes With Changes In Your Skin:

Many of these effects come from hormonal changes. Increased blood volume during pregnancy provides extra blood flow to the uterus and other organs of the body. And this increased blood flow brings more blood to the vessels thus increasing oil gland secretion.

This increased oil gland secretion causes acne to be common during pregnancy because the skin’s sebaceous glands make more oil. And tiny freckles of acne that you had before pregnancy might become bigger and darker, but after childbirth, they disappear.

It is also possible to have hyperpigmentation i.e. darkening of the skin, either of the nipples, external genitalia, and anal region. This occurs because pregnancy hormones cause the body to make more pigments. Heat rash is also common during pregnancy and it can be an itchy time for a woman.

6.  Pregnancy Brings Changes To Your Hair And nails:

Changes occur in most women’s hair and nails when they’re pregnant. And this change in the hair texture is due to pregnancy hormones that could make their hair grow faster and fall out less. Though these hair changes are usually not permanent. Depending on the woman, some lose their hair in the postpartum period or after they stop breastfeeding while some grow hair in unwanted places like the face, belly, or around the nipples. To some women, changes in their hair texture can make it drier or oilier while some find their hair changing color.

Changes in nails during pregnancy are similar to that in hair. These extra hormones that occur during pregnancy can make them grow faster and become stronger, though some experience their nails split and breaking more easily during pregnancy.  Same as the hair, nail changes are not permanent.

7.  Pregnancy Changes Your Shoe Size:

When a woman is pregnant, there’s always an extra fluid in the body system, and this causes them to have swollen feet. The need to change their shoe size to a larger one then arises. Better still, pregnant women should wear slip-on shoes or slippers when pregnant because either the slip-on shoes

or slippers can accommodate swollen feet to some extent.

8.  Pregnancy Brings Changes To Your Joint Mobility: Relaxin is a hormone produced during pregnancy, and this hormone helps to prepare the pubic area and the cervix for childbirth. It also loosens the body’s ligaments thus making women less stable and prone to the risk of injury, especially in the joints of the pelvis, lower back, and knees. That is the reason why doctors always advise pregnant women to go slowly and avoid sudden jerking movements, especially when exercising or lifting objects.

9.  Pregnancy Brings Varicose Veins, Hemorrhoids, & Constipation:

Varicose veins occur when blood pools in veins enlarged due to pregnancy hormones, and it is usually found in the legs and genital area. But the beauty of it is that varicose veins often disappear after pregnancy. Varicose veins can be prevented to some extent by trying the followings:-

  • Standing or sitting for a long period is not the best for a pregnant woman. Try to avoid or limit it.
  • Try to avoid wearing tight clothing. Instead, choose loose-fitting clothes.
  • Try to wear a support hose.
  • Always try to raise your feet when you sit.

Hemorrhoids and constipation are both common in pregnancy, and the best way to deal with them is to prevent them from occurring. Both of them can be prevented either by eating a fiber-rich diet, drinking plenty of liquids daily, or exercising regularly.

Pregnancy comes with all the above challenges. But when you compare the advantages of carrying your baby with the challenges involved, you’ll agree with me that none of the above challenges can be compared to you carrying your baby in your arms.

But do you need it? The choice is yours.

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