The Question Is, Can Prostate Enlargement Be Treated?

Yes, prostate enlargement can be treated depending on the type of treatment the individual wants.

What is Prostate Enlargement?

Prostate enlargement, which is also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BHP), is a condition that is peculiar to male-only, whereby the prostate gland grows bigger. This condition affects almost all men as they grow older, particularly those that are over 50 years and above. The position where the prostate gland is located is underneath the bladder. The growth of this gland can be compressed by the bladder thus blocking the flow of urine through the urethra. And the urethra is the organ through which urine flows from the bladder out of the body through the penis. Prostate enlargement if not treated in time, can cause urinary tract, bladder, or kidney problems.

One of the prostate enlargement problems is the association with narrowing of the urethra which indirectly reduces the flow of urine.  The size of the prostate gland is like that of a walnut. Prostate enlargement is associated with symptoms of frequent urge to urinate, difficulty in the process of starting urination, slow flow of urine, frequent urination at night, occasional blood in urine, feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, and dribbling of urine. This problem is common with males of advanced age specifically ages 50 years and above.

Prostate Gland

Other Symptoms Of Enlarged Prostate Are:

  • A weak or slow urinary stream
  • Urgency to urinate
  • Experiencing a urinary stream that starts and stops
  • Straining to urinate
  • The urge to return to urinate again minutes after finishing

This symptom varies from one individual to another, and while some men with an (ED) enlarged prostate may notice a few of these symptoms, others might not experience any of the above symptoms. Other factors which can prompt these symptoms to manifest in an enlarged prostate person are anxiety, cold weather, lifestyle factors, medicines, and other health problems. That is why it is advisable to visit your doctor if any of these symptoms arise to know why it occurs.

Leaking urine which is one of the symptoms of an enlarged prostate can happen when you feel a sudden need to pee and cannot stop resulting in some pee leaking out before you get to the toilet. This condition is called urge incontinence and can also happen when you strain like when you cough, sneeze or lift a heavy object. Sometimes you can find some urine dribbles into your underwear after peeing.

The first sign of an enlarged prostate for most men is the nightly bathroom runs which often time other symptoms like trouble starting a stream of urine, leaking, or dribbling can also be experienced. But the trouble starts when the nightly bathroom runs become more frequent cumulating eventually into the daytime routine.

When Is The Best Time To See Your Doctor Concerning Enlarged Prostate?

The best time to see your doctor is when you start to experience changes in your routine lifestyle like getting up several times in the night to urinate or frequent urination during the day. The reason for this is that there can be several causes of frequent urination, and the earlier the root causes are detected the better. But most men for various reasons put up with an enlarged prostate for months, even years, before seeing their doctor.  Some visits their health provider when they have trouble falling asleep again after getting up several times a night to urinate.

BPH is often diagnosed as a result of exclusion after making sure that cases like bladder cancer, stones, and prostate cancer are eliminated.

BPH Impact Index is a symptom questionnaire developed by the American Urological Association and is been used by some Urologists to determine whether a man's symptoms from BPH require treatment. It also helps them to rate how severe the problem is. The higher the scores from the BPH Impact Index, the more severe the symptom of BPH is.

The trouble or discomfort the enlarged prostate growth causes varies greatly from person to person. Some enlarged prostate growths are bigger than others, and some people with very large prostates don't have trouble with voiding. It ‘all depends on individual manifestation.

Don’t forget that the following signs can point to having a prostate problem:

  • Increasing urge to urinate
  • Frequent times during the night to urinate
  • Occasional blood in urine or semen
  • Painful or burning urination after eliminating infection
  • Not being able to pass a free flow of urine
  • Painful ejaculation during sex
  • Frequent feeling of pain or stiffness either in the lower back or hips, in the pelvic area  or rectal area, or the upper thighs
  • Dribbling of urine

If you have any of these symptoms, the best you can do for yourself is to see your doctor.

How Can Prostate Enlargement be Treated?

Prostate enlargement treatment depends mainly on how severe the symptoms are and how severe it affects you. If you want to treat your prostate, there are three basic types of prostate enlargement treatment. They are:-

1.  Lifestyle Changes:

Sometimes the prostate can be enlarged and it’s not causing you any problems. When this condition occurs, the chances are there for you to wait before undergoing any treatment. And since the growth of an established enlarged prostate often develops slowly, your symptoms may not get worse. However, lifestyle behaviors if improved upon can help improve the symptoms of prostate enlargement. And they are:-

    • Minimizing the intake of anything that can irritate the bladder like caffeine, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, and fizzy drinks as these can make urinary symptoms worse.
    • Since some antidepressant drugs can make your urinary symptoms worse, it is advisable to check the effects of the antidepressant drug on your prostate before taking it.
    • Try and change your eating habit by eating more fruits and fiber as this helps to avoid constipation which puts pressure on the bladder thus making urinary symptoms worse.
    • Any time we partake in exercise, it helps to keep the body in shape. It also helps in the total well-being of the muscle cells that control all the vital organs of the body, prostate glands inclusive. So regularly helps to reduce the symptoms of prostate enlargement.

2.  Medicines: Different types of medicine that can be used to treat prostate enlargement depending on choice and how severe the symptom is. The healthcare product that we recommend is a herbal product and it has been tested and used successfully to treat prostate enlargement over the years, no matter how severe the enlargement is. The combination of …... &………&……will help shrink the prostate, and you will start enjoying your life once again.

3.  Surgery:

Surgery can come up as the last option if your symptoms do not respond well to lifestyle changes or medicines. It can be an option also if the cases are severe. Prostate enlargement can be treated using different types of surgeries, and a few among them are:-

  • Trans-Urethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP)
  • Trans-Urethral Vaporization of the prostate (TUVP)
  • Holmium Laser Enucleating of the Prostate Gland (HoLEP)
  • Open Prostatectomy (OP)
  • Bladder Neck Incision (BNI)

The bottom line is that prostate enlargement can be treated depending on your choice of treatment.

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